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Friday, 2 March 2012

What Exactly Are Soul Catchers?

By Brooke Carver

Soul catchers are amulets of bone or ivory with hand carvings of runes or other symbolic designs included on them. Shamans have been using them for centuries to find and recover lost souls to a person who has been struck by illness or whose spirit has left due to some type of trauma.

Shamans still use a form of these today for the same reasons. The material these were and are made of varies. In the olden times a tubular femur from a bear was used in their construction.

Many things can be and were used in crafting these most were made of tubular types of bone and plugged at each end. This was to keep the spirit once found contained until it could be placed back into the person who lost it. Bear's are associated with many of these as they symbolize dreams, protection and much power.

Many of the older versions and some of the new ones are plugged at each end by use of wood that is shredded. The most popular is the cedar tree bark. A lost spirit when found can then become contained or sucked into the catcher and then blown back into the host it belongs too.

Shamans of today still have these on hand and use them within their healing works and rituals. They are usually tubular and curved bone or ivory with many rune designs or other symbolic drawings carved on them and worn as an amulet.

The Shamans locate the lost spirit by traveling through the spirit realm and finding it with the help of spirit guides. They suck the soul back into the amulet and then blow it back into the body of the person it belongs too. The person is then suppose to recover from their illness.

Some people confuse dream catchers with these but there is a difference between them. Dream catchers are actually used to place above the bed to ward off nightmares and bad or stressful dreams. They are not worn but made into a kind of spiderweb design with added feathers and beads.

Museums of Native American artifacts even house some very ancient versions of the soul catchers used by Shamans and natural healers of the ancient eras. These are crafted in beautiful detailing and the craftsmanship carved into the bone or ivory is really amazing for those times. Soul Catchers

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