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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Public Speaking Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Social Anxiety For Your Next Presentation

By Chris Jay

Overcoming fear of public speaking can open many business and personal opportunities for you. Fear of public speaking even has a name. They call it "glossophobia." The medical world seems to have a name for every condition and phobia you can imagine. For some people, fear of public speaking can over take their lives. If you have a planned speech at work, you might worry for days or weeks and cause yourself physical stress.

For others, the fear of speaking in public has caused them to avoid certain courses in college, change jobs, or not apply for a certain job because it would require them to speak in public. But, don't lose hope. Overcoming fear of public speaking is easily manageable using some top secret methods I will explain to you today. Of course these techniques have fancy medical names like systematic desensitization and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Don't worry, because I plan to keep things fairly simple and use layman terms to explain how you can easily overcome fear of public speaking.

Whether you are speaking at your best friends wedding, a large business meeting, or a small setting of just 3 people, there are a number of techniques you can use to manage your anxiety and still give a very good presentation that will impress your audience. Like any activity, the better prepared you are, the more comfortable you will feel. To prepare you, just follow the top secret tips in this article for overcoming fear of public speaking.

It's completely acceptable to peek at some notes as you speak. Just don't read from the notes as if you are reading a bedtime story to your audience. You should know your topic very well. This is why it's important to select a topic you have a passion for or that you know very well. You can also select a topic you don't know well as long as you have a sincere desire to learn more about that topic. This will make researching fun and easy.

Now, this is not always possible. You most likely will not have a chance to practice much in the actual venue because it may be scheduled for use by others. The next best thing you can do is practice in your house in the clothes you plan to wear. Try to setup your basement or section of your home to match the venue so you can practice. What you don't want to do is practice by flipping through your notes. You will never feel comfortable doing that because you haven't setup an environment that will be familiar to the actual speaking environment.

You can ask for accommodations that will make you more comfortable. If you need a few bottles of water on stage during your speech, ask for it in advance. If you have some audiovisual equipment or props you feel will make your presentation more understandable to your audience, ask to have it placed in the front. This will also help you feel more comfortable because these are props you are familiar using.

Overcoming fear of public speaking will give you lots of power. Power to influence others as well as open doors for you in business and in your personal life. Imagine yourself succeeding because that's what your audience really wants from you. They want you to succeed during your presentation. People respect a person who has the courage to go on stage or speak at the front of the room. Speaking in front of an audience shows leadership skills and people love leaders.

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