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Thursday, 31 May 2012

The reasons people decide to learn a language

By Amy Jones

There are many reasons why people decide to learn a modern language. The reasons very much depend on who wants to learn the language, and at what stage in their life they are.

Children in many countries must learn a second or even a third language, especially if they live in a country where they speak more obscure language that no one else is likely to learn. Having a world language under their belt will be key to their success later in life and will also help them do will in the education system. Children naturally pick up languages and often young people are motivated by the pop culture to learn English as well as it is so predominant.

The next group of people who wish to learn a modern language are business students. There is always a huge emphasis on the importance of picking up a "leading" nation's language as it will help you "go far". So these people are often primarily interested in learning a modern language in order for it to help them in their career. Obviously people who want to study international business will already have an interest in other countries, but their choice of language to learn will reflect what is seen as having the most business opportunity attached to it.

Then there is the next group of people. These people learn languages for the love of them and the culture they are associated with. They may not be spoken widely, or seen to carry any real practical value, but there is a huge romantic and thrilling apect to them, which makes people devote hours of study so they can speak in Irish Gaelic or order their meal in French.

Finally, people often choose to learn a language for practical reasons. Maybe their area is slowly becoming more multi-cultural, and it makes sense to be able to communicate with the neighbours. It could be a language they never considered or had any interest in, but it has simply become a part of their lives and makes sense to learn more of.

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